Weight Training : Power Clean and jerks

Power Cleans and Jerk

This is a execrise that will create intensity when there is at first no intensity to be found in whoever does this in their workout programs. The form means more then the weight in the beginning learning how to do this execrise due to the fact it is harder then it seems due to the numerous muscles you are using. There have been numerous amounts of people who are afraid to lift this one due to the fact that they are overly aggressive in the beginning not understanding that after the 5th rep it is easy to hurt yourself when done incorrectly or before you are ready to lift seriously. So recommend not to lift more then 5 times in a single set unless you are experienced enough to do so.

When doing this execrise understand there is a difference between pressing and jerking–> much like in boxing there is a difference between punching and pushing–> most people will try to press the weight before actually understanding the difference between the 2. Momentum is what makes this execrise so hard to do because for many of us experienced ifters are taught to control the weight and move it slow to create strength… but we are working for power and intensity so the concept of lifting slow goes out the window but the concept of control still is key to making each lift a successful one. Another key to making the power clean successful is being able to bend your arms in a position resting over your chest on your deltiod muscles before jerking. NOT ALL ARE MEANT TO JERK THE WEIGHT.

Power Clean from the floor or hip

  1. Step one grabing the bar with both hands shoulder length apart, bending your knees, sticking your but in a posterior position, pulling your wrist over the bar, sticking out your chest to make it big and head up
  2. dead lift the weight by using your hips but not bending your back over
  3. dip the bar down a few inches to create motion before attempting to clean the weight, you may have to do it more then once or twice
  4. When cleaning the weight when you are projecting the weight up by lifting your heels up with your toes still on the floor you should meet the weight by squating down simultaneously and resting the weight on your deltiod muscles and standing up to your feet(feet are shoulder length apart) standing erect (Your arms should be bent where your elbows are up)
  5. From here, if you are just power cleaning then return the weight to your hip a.k.a hip absorbers and repeat step 3 and 4, if you wish to just go from the hip or return to the ground and repeat steps 2-4
  6. If you wish to complete the power clean by jerking the weight there is 2 ways to complete the execrise 1 is by stomping your feet and keeping your feet shoulder length apart throwing the weight up getting your arms straight in the air for 2-3 seconds and return back to your delts or by dividing your feet apart and throwing the weight up while you seperate your feet much like finishing a lounge and steping up to your feet shoulder length apart in a line to complete the rep and bringing the weight back to the delts

What the power clean works on the body

Common mistakes when performing a power clean and ways to correct them

  1. pressing and not jerking
  2. Using the arms to bring the weight up
  3. Not being fluid with your steps

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