Full body work outs
The concept of working out full body is one that power lifters, olympic lifters and athletes use to work on their full body strength with the least amount of time to complete their workout regimine. It is easy to stay in a weight room for hours if you are trying to workout your full body with not actually using full body work outs. Using countless circuit training programs, designing the workouts without the full body would take 3 times longer considering… But with full body workout(s) you are able to touch the full body in 3rd of the time it would take otherwise.
There is 2 ways to do full body exercises there is the conventional olympic lifts or designing movements that incorporate using multiple execrises that uses all or most of the body. In this case we are lifting for athletics, so we will focus on the olympic lifts that will hit 100% of the body, teaching the body to work with itself allowing fluid movementswithin itself and shocking the nervous system.
There is countless benefits of lifting full body olympic lifts for athletes and non athletes alike.
Full Body Workouts
Benefits of lifting olympic lifts
- The amount of time to complete a workout is shorter then most
- Being able to workout your complete body
- Teaching cordination with lifting
- Works on calf muscles
- Help shock your nervous system
- Helps your growth and stance