Biceps and tricep workouts
There are many ways to increase your bicep muscles one of the most common is the bicep curl using dumb bells… most commonly abused execrise besides the bench press that is needed but is over done by so many. Bicep curls are just one of many execrises that hit the bicep muscles…
When biceps are done tricep should not be done the same day if time is not an object… due to tiring out the arms and not being able to hit the biceps and triceps with full force- unfortunately your body can not fully give 100% to both muscles… so choose what day you want to concentrate on your bis and which day you want to concentrate on your tricep mucles.
- Execrises that work on biceps:
- Bench press middle grip
- Bicep curls – barbell curls – iso bicep curls
- Bicep cutters
- Excerises that work on triceps:
- Tricep pull down – iso tricep pull downs
- Tricep pull throughs
- Reverse bicep curls